Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Ratero Rulebook

So I have finally worked out the initial draft of the rulebook for Ratero, having typed it up, re written it, edited it, chopped bits around and so on.

Typing up the rulebook is actually a handy way of refining the rules, because as you put the gameplay down in words, you think hmm does this sound right, how about doing it this way instead.

So the Turn order goes like this:

Upkeep Phase
Any face up pickpockets in jail are returned to their gang leader.
Any face down pickpockets are turned face up in jail.
Each gang leader takes an action card.

Placement Phase
In this phase the gang leaders place their pickpockets in to some or all of the seven districts of the City-State of Tempest. I discussed this in my last blog post.

Action Phase
For each district that is chosen the action phase occurs, this is split into sub phases that happen in order for each district.

Sub Phases
Scuffle and Flee
A gang decides to muscle in on another gang, that gang can either stand and scuffle or attempt to flee.

Either talk nicely to new recruits or threaten them to join the gang.

Grease the plams of the City Watch to lower the alertness and raise your influence in a district.

Try and pick the pocket of the citizens of Tempest, with your friends acting as distractions.
Success brings riches, fail brings trouble.

Event Phase
Draw an event card, these cards affect many things.

So thats the basic turn structure. When a certain number of turns are played the game ends and players start toting up their victory points.

Victory points are earned by being the most influential gang leader in a district and each wealth card is worth victory points as well.

As mentioned this is the first draft and playtesting will commence shortly.

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