Thursday, 17 January 2013

The perils of the trademark

What an intriguing title.

Well I had an inkling that the title of my Super Hero game was not going to be possible and it turns out that may be the case.

SuperHero Dice:Roll into Action a great title for a game, BUT Marvel and DC have trademarked a couple of different words, mainly Super Hero and SuperHeroes and this means that any variation on these might fall foul of them, even more so if the product is Super Hero related.

So a change of name is called for, but what to go for:

Hero Dice:Roll into Action

Legion of Primus: Hero Dice

Legion of Primus: Roll into Action

The Legion of Primus are a group of good super heroes in the game.

Of course for some of the heroes they had working names and now checking a cool site that contains just about any super hero created, of course several of my ones are already taken, so back to the thinking corner for me.

I have seen the first colour images of the first wave of heroes and one villian, more shading and effects are being added and I hope to see them again on Sunday.

The other big news is the game is evolving due to playtesting and the creation of the 2nd wave powers.

So a board is going to be added to the game, it will be a hex board and simulate a battle arena.

It just made so much more sense with powers that can push back, block routes etc otherwise some of the heroes powers would have been to samey.

My graphic designer is unaware of the new board at the moment but I'm sure he will love the idea.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Gravitas & Gaming

So after a Christmas break and playing a few games, as well as getting some new ones for Christmas, its back to the blog.

Thanks to my wife a copy of X Wing Minis game was waiting for me in my stocking, along with Conquest of planet earth.
I also got Level 7 escape, Star Wars card game and Flash Point.

X wing is a cool game which comes with X wing and a couple of tie fighters all pre painted minis  (and yes I have already bought the expansions and cant wait for the new ones this year), for some space duelling in the star wars universe, quick to learn and fun to play.

Conquest of Planet Earth has the players as different Alein races trying to conquer the Earth, fun game that can also play solo.

As can Level 7 escape as you awake in a test Lab, you are a test subject andyou must escape, but watch out for the Alien clones and the guards out to get you. It uses Fear and Threat to determine which player the bad guys will attempt to get.

Flash Point is a fun family game of firefighting, can you put out the fire, save the residents before the building collapses or too many residnets die. Easy to learn and fun to play.

Star Wars card game has yet to hit the table.

Last week I got along to Ninth Legion games club in Newton Abbot and played Zombicide, wow what a cool game, lots of Zombies, I mean lots of Zombies out to get you, its a fun Co-op game that really plays well. Pricey but you get some great components.

So curently the artist working on SuperHero Dice: Roll Into Action is colouring the artwork for the first batch of heroes and villian, the artwork is looking nice and will soon be revealed.

I am working on backstory for the characters and am writing the story for the first villian Gravitas.
It is turning into a longer piece then expected and would make a full issue of a comic book.
Hmmm theres an idea.

Yes we have talked about a comic book and maybe a graphic novel of the origins of the World and the characters themselves, watch this space.

Next week I will reveal Gravitas and his backstory.